Find your light at SCT!

A heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who made our Annual Gala Fundraiser a resounding success! 🎉 Your overwhelming support has left us truly grateful and inspired. A special shoutout to the 100+ individuals who attended, donated, and shared in the magic of the night. 🙏
🎶 A huge round of applause to Chad Elliott for sharing his extraordinary talents both on stage and on canvas – your contributions added an extra layer of enchantment to the evening. The stories and songs shared last night resonated with so many in our community. You could feel the love and passion for theatre alive and well in the playhouse! 🎨🎤
🌟 Our gratitude also extends to Big Iron Gives for hosting the Silent Auction and the generous local businesses and individuals who donated and bid on our special auction items – your support is instrumental in sustaining our vibrant arts community.
🙌 Last but certainly not least, a standing ovation for our dedicated volunteers! Your countless hours and unwavering commitment played a pivotal role in making this event a triumph.
Together, we’ve woven a tapestry of support that will resonate in the halls of Spencer Community Theatre for years to come.