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Deegan Children’s Theatre

Mildred “Middy” Deegan was a devout and avid champion of the arts. The generosity of the Deegan family has created a prestigious legacy of education and theatrical experience for the children in our community and beyond.
The naming of the Basil and Mildred Deegan Children’s Theatre at SCT honors the gift of two generous patrons of the theatre. The Deegans’ gift planted the seed for the Children’s Theatre Endowment Fund and secured the future of youth programming at SCT.
Both Northwest Iowa natives, Middy grew up in Sutherland and Basil in Peterson. They married in 1936 and moved to Sulfur Springs, IA, where Basil owned and operated the Sulfur Springs Grain Company. Basil and Middy loved kids, and believed strongly that children should have a chance to pursue big dreams.
Upon retiring, the Deegans moved to Spencer and became longtime Contributing Members of Spencer Community Theatre. Although Basil passed away in 2000, Middy continued to enjoy attending SCT productions with her friends, before relocating to Iowa City to be near their daughter.
When looking for a way to give back to the community they loved, a gift to Spencer Community Theatre made perfect sense. Endowing the Children’s Theatre at SCT united Middy’s love of the arts with Basil’s commitment to education, and meant their legacy would be a personal one. Middy passed away in 2020.
Spencer Community Theatre thanks the Deegan family for believing in a bold dream— that SCT will forever be a place where children discover the magic of theatre.